Monday, 24 December 2012

How to Prevent Type 2 Diabetes

According to the WHO (World Health Organization) there are 347 million diabetics in the world today, and this figure is projected to increase to over 500 million by the year 2030. Of the diabetics that exist in the world at the present time, about 90% have the Type 2 variety of the disease. Type 1 diabetics usually have the disease from birth, or get it at an early age, and are insulin dependent because the body has stopped producing this hormone which regulates blood glucose levels. Type 2 diabetics usually get the disease in middle or old age, and for this reason it is also known as “adult-onset diabetes”.

Diabetes is a chronic condition resulting from either the body’s inability to produce enough insulin to regulate blood glucose (sugar) levels, or the insensitivity of the body to react to the amount of insulin produced. If the blood sugar level in the body remains high for a sufficient period of time, it can negatively affect the function of the heart, eyesight and limbs. In both the USA and UK, diabetes is second only to road accidents as the cause of amputations. Lots of people have died from health complications arising from diabetes.

It is prudent to take some preventative measures against Type 2 diabetes, especially if you are in one of the at-risk groups. Statistics on the disease has shown that a person stands a greater chance of getting the disease if a parent has suffered from It, you are overweight or obese; if you are of Afro-Caribbean or Asian origin, or you are of middle or low class income groups. You can ask your doctor to carry out tests if you consider yourself to be susceptible to the disease. The main symptoms of the disease are: excessive thirst; frequency of urination; muscle cramps; poor healing of wounds; itching; and eyesight problems.

The bodily organ that produces enough insulin to aid the metabolism of food is the pancreas. If you take pre-emptive actions against getting the disease by concentrating on diet, exercise and food supplements, you are insuring the pancreas does not become overloaded thereby impairing its ability to function properly.  As the disease is caused by the body becoming too acidic, there should be alkaline bias in the diet.

The diet should consist mainly of raw natural foods. Vegetables such as kale, celery, cabbage, watercress, lettuce, cucumber, chicory, onion, olives, beans, soybean, fruit in general and especially apples, oats, grains and sprouted grains , beef liver, egg yolk and wholegrain bread should constitute a major part of the diet. Natural foods to be avoided are bananas, beets and potatoes. The latter have shown to increase blood sugar levels rapidly. If you eat potatoes from time to time, do so with their skins intact, which contain fibre which counteracts some of the rapid increase in blood sugar levels.

Anything causing a rapid rise in blood glucose levels such as sugar-laden soft drinks should be avoided. Other foods to be avoided are chocolates, biscuits, jam, fruit syrup, jelly, ice cream mayonnaise, honey and white rice. It is also best to avoid coffee, cocoa and only take alcohol in moderation. Giving up smoking also helps the whole body to function better.  

Adequate daily exercise is the second preventative measure that should be undertaken against Type 2 diabetes. This can involve walking, jogging, cycling, swimming, going to the gym, or anything else that takes your fancy.  You will need to engage in a physical activity of your choice for 30-40 minutes daily in order to achieve and maintain an ideal weight. The time period involved daily can be split up into two or more sessions if necessary. Two 15 minute exercise sessions 30 minutes after eating a meal that contains carbohydrates, which convert to sugar in the body, would be ideal.  

Lastly, it would be prudent to take a multivitamin and mineral tablet daily as insurance against a deficiency in the diet having an influence on the development of diabetes. Sufficiency in vitamins B2, B6, and the minerals chromium, manganese, magnesium and potassium are vital in the fight against developing this chronic condition.

Sunday, 9 December 2012

Why the Acid/Alkaline Balance is Important to Health

A healthy orgasm is one which has an effective filtration system composed of organs like the liver, kidneys, skin and intestines all functioning well, and able to eliminate waste. These organs generally do a very effective job. If you don’t overload them, they generally manage to get rid of all of all the substances  your body doesn’t need, especially excess acids - the waste products of metabolism. 
Your body needs acids to function properly, but excess acidity can be harmful, which is why filtration is so important. A diet that contains too much animal protein (meat) and not enough vegetal protein can cause a condition known as acidosis, whereby excess acids accumulate in the tissues. An inactive lifestyle also impairs your body’s ability to eliminate waste properly.
Proteins contain a variety of acids which include sulphuric acid, phosphoric acid, hydrochloric acid, nitric acid and uric acid.  These acid-producing foodstuffs form the basis of our nutrition since the amino acids that make them up are essential to the proper functioning of the human body.  Our bodies need a regular supply of protein but only in the right amounts. Most people absorb too much protein on a daily basis. About 50 grams (2 ounces) daily is sufficient for most people, but those engaged in strenuous physical activity could absorb 50% more.
Amino acids obtained from milk and dairy products (cheese and yoghurt) produce little acidic substances. Amino acids obtained from animal protein (meat, poultry, fish) contain sulphuric and phosphoric acids, as well as purines which contain uric acid, and are thus highly acidic. Consuming too much animal protein is often the cause of rheumatism, gout and kidney stones.
Grains produce acids, as do toxins contained in products like coffee (caffeine), tea (theine) and cocoa (thebomine), all of which are rich in purines and therefore acidifying. The same applies to white sugar, refined flour and its derivatives, and refined fats.  
Acidifying food strips your body of minerals. These foods include peanuts, asparagus, artichokes, Brussels sprouts, egg white, processed meats, liver, kidney, refined white flour and derivatives (white bread, pastry and biscuits), strong fermented cheese, hard fat, refined oils, dried legumes (lentils, peas and beans), semolina, white sugar, tea, alcohol, coffee, chocolate, meat, fish, poultry and pasta.
Fruits and vegetables are mainly alkaline foods. Milk is also alkaline if ingested in the form of yogurt. Because these foods are rich in minerals, they should form a major part of the diet. Potatoes are an excellent alkaline food especially when steamed. Chestnuts are also recommended as an accompaniment to most vegetable dishes.
Here is a list of alkaline-rich foods: vegetable broth, chestnuts, fruit and fruit juice, most herbs, powdered milk, unsweetened condensed milk, vegetable leaves and roots, vegetable stems, onions, garlic, potatoes, soybean and derivatives, and yogurt.
Foods with a good acid/alkaline balance include good quality butter, whole grains, sprouted grains, green beans, millet, fresh walnuts, rye bread, whole rye flour pasta, sweet peas and unrefined sugar.
The acid/alkaline balance should be achieved within the context of an overall balanced diet. In order to achieve the latter, you should give attention to the following: eat foods in their proper proportions; don’t eat too much meat; opt for vegetable proteins whenever possible; eat some fresh fruit and vegetables every day; cut down on your intake of refined sugars, salt and alcohol; don’t barbeque too often; cut down on your intake of fried foods; make sure you are getting enough antioxidants such as selenium, Vitamins C & E.
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