Sunday, 2 November 2014

How to Prevent Prostate Problems

Most men over the age of 50 suffer an enlargement of the prostate to some extent. The prostate is a walnut-sized organ that surrounds the male urethra at the base of the bladder. The prostate secretes semen, a milky fluid that is ejected with sperm. The urethra is the canal from the bladder to the exterior of the body. When the prostate enlarges it squeezes the urethra diminishing the flow of urine. In extreme cases, it can stop the flow altogether. Unless problems in this area of the body are detected early, one of the consequences could be prostate cancer.

The causes of prostate problems are as follows: lack of proper nutrients; clogged artries causing slow circulation in the prostate thereby depriving it of the nutrients it needs; poor circulation; high fever; atherosclerosis- which slows the circulation of blood in the tiny capillaries of the prostate; arteriosclerosis- where the arteries and capillaries become hardened and lose efficiency; a silica deficiency.

Conventional medicine has responded to prostate problems with the following treatments: surgery to remove the prostate; transurethrai resection involving scrapping away the inner core of the prostate either using instruments or a laser; hormonal therapy. The effects of surgery can leads to problems with scar tissue and a weakening of the immune system. Hormonal therapy only provides temporary respite from the symptoms and does not address the underlying cause of the problem.

It is therefore best to try and prevent prostate problems from occurring in the first instance by paying proper attention to diet. First, avoid a silica deficiency. Silica acts like an internal cement combating the effects of aging. Good sources of this mineral are plants which have strong leaves and stems like horsetail. Other sources include the peel of fruit, the husks of grains, onions, garlic and shallots.

Eat tomatoes regularly. Tomatoes are rich in a powerful antioxidant called lycopene. The higher your intake of tomatoes on a daily basis the lower your risk of developing prostate cancer. Ten or more portions of tomatoes (or products derived from them) weekly is recommended.

Eastern men who consume soya regularly have a much lower incidence of prostate problems than their counterparts on a Western diet. Therefore add cooked soya beans to stews, and add mashed tofu to mashed potatoes or other vegetables. Soya flakes, milk and yogurt can also be used, where appropriate, at meal times.

Strict vegetarians only have prostate problems at half the rate of meat eaters. Therefore derive most of the protein that you consume daily from vegetal sources. Therefore consume whole grains, nuts, beans, lentils and leafy green vegetables on a daily basis. Fish is also preferable as a source of protein to red meat.

Pursue a high fibre diet as studies have shown that people who do this have a much lower incidence of prostate problems. Brown bread, rye bread, brown rice, wholegrain pasta, baked beans, potatoes with their skins, wholegrain breakfast cereals and fruits with their skins are good sources of fibre in the diet.

Drink at least six glasses of water daily. Water helps keeps the whole urinal tract in a good condition, and the tendency to cut back on water intake if one is experiencing difficulty urinating due to an enlarged prostate is not recommended.

Herbal capsules containing saw palmetto berries, taken three times daily, can help heal the problem; taking magnesium chloride supplements, two or three every morning, can help prevent prostate problems; and chelated zinc capsules, 50mg taken three tomes a day, can help shrink an enlarged prostate.

Things to avoid in the diet are saturated fats found in red meats and dairy products. When you eat meat, favour skinless white meat such as chicken or turkey, and go for low-fat dairy products. Avoid smoking, alcohol and overly spicy foods. If your prostate is in an enlarged state, avoid sugar-laden foods and soft drinks as they make the problem worse. 


  1. Thanks for sharing the nice information with us and other user to prevent the prostate problems.
    Meditation in India
