Many health problems arise from the body being too acidic. Examples of these are type 2 diabetes, certain cancers, osteoporosis, muscle loss, fractures, kidney stone formation, high blood pressure, heart disease and thyroid problems. Therefore achieving the correct pH (acid/alkaline) balance in the diet is important in order not to put yourself at risk of developing a health problem arising from the over- acidity of the body, or acidosis as it is commonly known.
The organs of the body generally do a good job in expelling waste from the body such as excess acids, which are the waste products of metabilism. However, health problems can occur when the body is overloaded with too many acids arising generally from the consumption of too much animal protein instead of vegetal protein. Modern processed and manufactured foods can also be a problem. A lifestyle involving not enough exercise, or not drinking enough water, on a daily basis can also lead to acidosis.
Proteins in foods contain a variety of acids such as sulphuric, phosphoric, hydrochloric, nitric and uric. Acid-producing proteins form the basis of our nutrition since the animo acids which make them up contribute to the proper functioning of the body. Health problems can arise when people consume too much protein. About 50 grams ( 2 ounces) of protein on a daily basis is sufficient for most people; but those involved in heavy manual work, or strenuous physical exercise, could consume 20%-30% more without any adverse consequences in relation to their health.
Acidifying foods strip your body of essential minerals. These types of foods include the following: meats, processed meats, fish, pasta, white sugar, semolina, tea, coffee, alcohol, sugar-laden soft drinks, chocolate, refined oils, hard fat, strong fermented cheeses, refined white flour and derivitive products (white bread, pastry, biscuits etc.), peanuts, asparagus, artichokes, Brussels sprouts and egg whites.
Generally speaking fruits and vegetables are alkaline foods with the exception of those mentioned in the previous paragraph. Milk is also alkaline if consumed in the form of yogurt or non-matured cheese. Because these foods are rich in minerals, they should comprise a major part of the diet. Here is a list of alkaline-rich foods: fruits, unsweetened fruit juice, egg yolks, yogurt, powered milk, vegetable leaves and roots, vegetable stems (except asparagus),vegetable broth, onions, garlic, potatoes, soyabeans and derivitive products, and herbs such as rosemary, thyme, chives and parsley.
It is best healthwise, in order to avoid the consequences of acidosis, to weight your intake in a 2:1 ratio in favour of alkaline type foods, as well as taking daily action on the exercise and consumption of water fronts. However, some foods have almost a perfect pH balance. These are listed as follows: fresh good quality butter, whole grain cereals, sprouted grains, green beans, millet, fresh walnuts, rye bread, wholegrain pasta and sweet peas.
The organs of the body generally do a good job in expelling waste from the body such as excess acids, which are the waste products of metabilism. However, health problems can occur when the body is overloaded with too many acids arising generally from the consumption of too much animal protein instead of vegetal protein. Modern processed and manufactured foods can also be a problem. A lifestyle involving not enough exercise, or not drinking enough water, on a daily basis can also lead to acidosis.
Proteins in foods contain a variety of acids such as sulphuric, phosphoric, hydrochloric, nitric and uric. Acid-producing proteins form the basis of our nutrition since the animo acids which make them up contribute to the proper functioning of the body. Health problems can arise when people consume too much protein. About 50 grams ( 2 ounces) of protein on a daily basis is sufficient for most people; but those involved in heavy manual work, or strenuous physical exercise, could consume 20%-30% more without any adverse consequences in relation to their health.
Acidifying foods strip your body of essential minerals. These types of foods include the following: meats, processed meats, fish, pasta, white sugar, semolina, tea, coffee, alcohol, sugar-laden soft drinks, chocolate, refined oils, hard fat, strong fermented cheeses, refined white flour and derivitive products (white bread, pastry, biscuits etc.), peanuts, asparagus, artichokes, Brussels sprouts and egg whites.
Generally speaking fruits and vegetables are alkaline foods with the exception of those mentioned in the previous paragraph. Milk is also alkaline if consumed in the form of yogurt or non-matured cheese. Because these foods are rich in minerals, they should comprise a major part of the diet. Here is a list of alkaline-rich foods: fruits, unsweetened fruit juice, egg yolks, yogurt, powered milk, vegetable leaves and roots, vegetable stems (except asparagus),vegetable broth, onions, garlic, potatoes, soyabeans and derivitive products, and herbs such as rosemary, thyme, chives and parsley.
It is best healthwise, in order to avoid the consequences of acidosis, to weight your intake in a 2:1 ratio in favour of alkaline type foods, as well as taking daily action on the exercise and consumption of water fronts. However, some foods have almost a perfect pH balance. These are listed as follows: fresh good quality butter, whole grain cereals, sprouted grains, green beans, millet, fresh walnuts, rye bread, wholegrain pasta and sweet peas.
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