Friday 4 May 2012

The Health Benefits of Laughter

Laughter is strong medicine for both mind and body. You can depend on it to bring your mind and body back into balance if they are out of kilter. Laughter lightens your burdens, inspires hopes, connects you to others, keeps you grounded, focused and alert. The ability to laugh easily and frequently is a powerful way of overcoming problems, enhancing your relationships, and providing support for your physical and emotional health.

Laughter is good for your physical health in the following ways: it relaxes the whole body by relieving physical tension and stress; it decreases stress hormones and increases immune cells, thereby improving your resistance to disease; it releases endorphins, which are the body’s feel-good chemicals, to give you an overall sense of well-being; and it protects the heart by increasing the function of blood vessels which helps increase blood flow to that vital organ.
The mental health benefits of laughter can be listed as follows: it adds joy and zest to life; it helps ease anxiety and fear in most situations; it relieves stress; it improves overall mood; and it enhances resilience. The mental health benefits work hand-in-hand with the physical ones.
There are further benefits to engaging in laughter regularly in group situations, as follows: it strengthens relationships; it attracts others to us; it enhances teamwork; it helps defuse conflict; and it helps promote group bonding. I have heard of some good football and rugby union coaches in the UK who use it regularly to lighten the load and increase overall team spirit.
You can take some constructive steps to bring laughter into your life. These are examples of situations where it can be used positively: smile as often as you can at people, or in funny situations; count your blessings rather than your woes, which create negative thoughts and are a barrier to laughter; move towards people in a group who are engaging in laughter; seek out and spend time with funny people; bring humour into your conversations with people.
Moreover, you can do the following:
·  Laugh at yourself by highlighting embarrassing moments.
·  Attempt to laugh at situations rather than bemoan them; strive to look for the funny side of absurd situations.
·  Surround yourself with reminders of people or events that help to lighten your thoughts.
·  Keep things in their proper perspective and don’t go around as if you had the weight of the world on your shoulders.
·  Deal promptly and correctly to resolve any stress issues in your life.
·  Actively play with your children or grand- children in a light-hearted manner in order to create an everlasting bond with them that they will remember for the rest of their lives.
I hope you now realize what humour and laughter can do for your physical, mental and emotional health. I will conclude this post with a quote that I recently heard from somewhere:  “ everything in life in moderation except laughter”.

Friday 27 April 2012

An Approach to the Treatment of Depression

Depression is the most complex of all possible conditions to come to a conclusion about. The causes of it can be any one, or more than one, of the following: loneliness or lack of social support; stressful life experiences; relationship problems; history of depression in the family; financial problems; drug or alcohol abuse; sexual abuse; unemployment; on-going health problems; residual problems left after child abuse or neglect; miscarriages of justice; problems to do with sexuality; problems associated with poor housing; neighbourhood or environmental problems; homelessness; and poor diet.
Because the reasons for depression are so varied, a doctor faced with a person suffering from it needs carefully to consider the following, in the order given: the circumstances giving rise to the condition; the state of the person’s mind; and the state of the patient’s body.
In considering the circumstances causing depression a doctor may need to, in addition to any treatment given, refer a patient to any of the following: the police (in sexual abuse or neighbourhood problems cases); specialist support services in relation to drug or alcohol abuse; the housing authorities (in the case of poor housing or homelessness); environmental agencies; welfare services; marital help counselling; or legal help services. Only when the underlying cause of the problem has been fully assessed, should consideration be given to the mind and body. 
The main conventional treatments for depression are anti-depressant medicines, psychoanalysis and behavioural therapy. Clearly what has to change ,in most cases, is the person’s outlook on life. Irrespective of what has happened in the past, there is a need to in-still in the patient a more positive outlook in relation to the rest of his/her life.
If a patient is severely depressed or suicidal, then the use of prescription drugs may be appropriate. In situations where drugs are prescribed, it should be pointed out to the patient that they are only a short-term measure to treat the symptoms; and that the long-term solution lays both in a change in outlook and behaviour.
There isn’t much evidence to support the view that psychoanalysis works for people suffering from depression. Several thousands of people have gone through this process and the indications are most felt no better at the end than they did at the beginning.
Therapy is probably the most constructive approach to the problem, provided the therapist understands that each person is unique, and it can be tailored to address the main cause of the problem. Positive thinking and behaviour in relation to the patient’s problems can be cultivated during therapy sessions.  A therapist needs to explain to the person under care that the main object of the limited-time therapy is to empower the individual to help themselves after the sessions have finished.
Lastly, what goes into the depressed person’s body by way of food and drink needs consideration.  A diet consisting mainly of protein and complex carbohydrates is best. The patient should avoid anything that contains added sugars, or anything that easily converts to sugar, in order to stop a sudden hike in blood sugar levels followed by a swift drop. Sugar in the diet should be obtained from eating mainly raw fruits to ensure the stability of blood glucose levels. Products containing caffeine, such as coffee, should be avoided because they can lead to mood swings; and there is a need to stay away from alcohol because it causes depression.
Vitamins B1 and C, as well as the mineral zinc, are so crucial to the diet in cases of depression that these should be taken as food supplements in addition the other dietary choices indicated above.
If you agree, disagree or have anything say on this post, why not leave a comment on it in the box provided ? 

Friday 20 April 2012

How to Reduce Your Chances of Getting Cancer

The numbers confirm that conventional medicine has a high failure rate in treating cancer patients with any of the methods which it usually employs, which are drugs, surgery, radiation or chemotherapy. In some circumstances when a patient is diagnosed as having cancer, a death sentence is passed, which is usually expressed in months to live, putting the patient concerned  into an emotional state in addition to having to confront the disease.
Whilst the various medical establishments haven’t come to conclusions about the causes of cancer, there is enough known about the influences common to cancer patients to identify the culprits, and take the appropriate evasive actions if necessary. It is much better to take sensible preventative measures than to risk getting the disease, and consequently put yourself at the mercy of what man has devised by way of treatments for it.
The following have shown themselves to be the main reasons why people get cancer in the first instance: smoking and exposure to smoke; poor diet involving sugar-laden products; environmental issues; stress; unsafe exposure to the sun; lack of exercise. This being so, I have devised a nine point plan of preventative measures that can greatly lessen your chances of getting the disease, as follows.
Steps to take to reduce the risk of cancer:
      1.  Avoid smoking and exposure to other people’s smoke.
2.  Eats lots of fruit and vegetables: at least 6 or more portions daily.
3.  Limit your intake of red meat and animal fat; eat more fish and poultry instead.
4. Avoid any product where sugar is added, and especially carbonated soft drinks that contain sugar substitutes; drink more water.
5.  Limit your daily intake of alcohol to two units daily
6.  Safely expose yourself to the sun for 10-15 minutes daily if you are of white Caucasian origin, or 100-150 minutes daily if of black African origin. Use a sunscreen for any further daily exposure to the sun than this.
7.  Engage in regular exercise like walking or jogging for 40 or more minutes daily
8.  Try and avoid stress at home or at your place of work; take steps to resolve disputes rather than leave them lingering.
9.  Avoid, if possible, exposure to chemicals, toxic sprays or contact with high power lines at your place of work.

In addition to the above, it is prudent for women to have themselves screened for breast cancer regularly; and for men to have their prostate checked on visits to their doctor.

I am of the opinion that adhering to the preventative measures outlined above can reduce your chance of getting any form of cancer by more than 65%. 

Friday 13 April 2012

Exercise Improves Health

Exercise is good for your health. An adequate amount of daily exercise can provide the following health benefits: greatly improves circulation; reduces blood pressure; lowers the amount of sugar (glucose) circulating in the body; helps reduce weight by lowering body fat.
All of the above benefits are inter-related. If you concentrate on improving circulation by engaging in daily exercise, all the other benefits will naturally follow as a consequence. Any of the following problems can indicate poor circulation: overall fatigue; brain fog; numbness in any limb; tingling sensations in toes or fingers; pain in the legs when walking; shortness of breath; and feeling cold without reason.
Good circulation benefits the entire body, including mental capability, hearing and vision. Poor circulation can result from a number of things, as follows: inflammation; plaque build-up, which causes a hardening of the arteries; fatty deposits; clots; hormone imbalances; peripheral artery disease; or chronic venous insufficiency.  A sedentary lifestyle, excess weight, smoking and a poor diet can also have a negative impact on circulation.
Peripheral artery disease (PAD) can remain hidden in certain individuals to the extent that they don’t know they have it. PAD is a strong predictor of heart disease; it increases the risk of a stroke or heart attack 4-5 times. Without proper treatment, one third of those with PAD will die within five years, while others will lose limbs. These outcomes could be avoided if detected in time and treated.
Chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) makes it difficult for veins in the legs to pump blood back to the heart. Blood clots and varicose veins are two common causes of CVI.  The main symptoms are swelling in the lower legs or ankles, and pain when walking or soon after stopping. Obesity, inactive lifestyle or weak leg muscles can put a person at risk of developing CVI. It is important to see your doctor immediately if you have any of the symptoms.
Moderate daily exercise can do wonders for your circulation and your body in general. You only need to engage in exercise for 30-45 minutes daily. This amount of time can be split into two or three lots, if necessary, to suit your daily schedule.  A good time to exercise can be 30 minutes or so after having a meal.
The basic exercise that most of us engage in is walking.  A brisk walk for 10-15 minutes duration after breakfast, lunch and dinner would suffice in this regard.  Jogging, cycling, swimming or doing exercises in the gym also qualify as activities that exercise the muscles necessary to benefit the body. Whatever your circumstances, you need to get in30-45 minutes of daily exercise in order to reduce the risk of developing any of the life –threatening conditions mentioned above.
It is best to do the exercises outdoors if possible but this is not a requirement. Due to the vagaries of the British climate not always cooperating, I personally have developed an exercise called “indoor jogging “. This entails taking off my shoes, putting down a mat in a spare room, using the mat like a treadmill lifting myself a few inches off the floor each time, all while counting to 600 for one of my three daily sessions. Don’t use foul weather as an excuse for not exercising!
It is best to support your exercise routine with food that nourishes your body with the nutrients that it needs. Foods high in fibre, containing lean protein and with liberal amounts of vegetables are best for this purpose. Water is the best beverage to use in preference to the sugar-laden soft drinks (sodas). 

Thursday 5 April 2012

Water Is Essential to Health

The water that you drink is very important as far as your health is concerned. Traditionally water has been credited with having the following positive effects on health: transporting food to different parts of the body; assimilating food; eliminating waste through sweat and urine; building cells; and regulating body temperature. 
However, a leading expert in using water for health problems, Dr Batmanghelidj, states that in addition to the above stated benefits, many common ailments and “diseases” can be cured by water because they are actually caused by dehydration in the first instance. In an interview that he gave to Mike Adams of Natural News, Dr B. outlined examples of health problems that he cured using water. The main points of the interview are summarised in the following paragraphs.  
DR.B. discovered the healing power of water purely by accident. He had a patient who was doubled up in terrible abdominal pain from a stomach ulcer, and could barely move. As he had nothing else to give him at that time, he gave  him two glasses of water. The patient’s pain subsided after just three minutes; and on giving him further water, the pain completely went after about eight minutes. Dr B. then advised his patient to drink two glasses of water every three hours as a preventative measure, which he did without any recurrence of the pain. He then cured thousands of his patients with stomach ulcers in the same way with a positive outcome each time.
Following this, Dr B decided to study the healing power of water in detail, and experimented with some patients where he suspected that  dehydration was a problem. He came to some unique conclusions about the healing power of water, which challenges conventional medicine in the treatment of certain health problems.
He discovered that soft drinks (sodas), tea, coffee and alcohol act so differently in the body in comparison to water that it is possible to become dehydrated while taking them. He found that allergies, hypertension, diabetes and asthma are all related to the amount of free water in the body. Moreover, he claims that millions of American children could be instantly cured of their asthma simply by switching from drinking soft drinks (sodas) to water.  
Dr B. further states that thirst perception is not a reliable indicator of whether or not you need water, especially as you get older. Consequently, he recommends that everybody makes a conscious effort to drink six or more glasses of water per day as a preventative measure against health problems. One check you can easily do to see if your body is deficient in water is watch the colour of your urine: to see that it runs colourless (h'asnt got an yellow in it) at least once on a daily basis.

In the interview generally, he was critical of conventional medicine’s approach in using drugs to treat health problems to the exclusion of anything else; and advanced the view that the sole motive of the pharmaceuticals is profit.
The above is just a very brief summary of what he said in the interview. If you want to access the full account of what was said, which I thoroughly recommend that you do, go to the following link:

Friday 30 March 2012

Why Fibre Is Crucial In the Diet

Fibre has lots of beneficial effects on the body, which includes helping to regulate the amount of fat and sugar in the blood. There are two types of fibre, as follows: not water soluble; and water soluble.
The insoluble type of fibre is found in whole grain wheat, rye, brown rice, cherries, grapes, pineapples, rhubarb, melons, prunes, berries, turnips, beets, tomatoes, all green vegetables, beans, legumes and nuts.  
The insoluble type of fibre provides the following health benefits: helps slow down the movement of foods from the stomach to the intestines; improves digestion and alleviates hunger pangs; helps reduce cholesterol by eliminating any excess; helps prevent gallstones; and helps prevent constipation.
The soluble type of fibre is found in oat bran, oatmeal, barley, apples and citrus fruits. The soluble type of fibre provides  the following health benefits: it makes you full more quickly, so you eat less; it slows down the absorption of fats and sugars into the small intestine, thereby regularizing metabolism and reducing the amount of insulin secreted by your body.
The possible effects of a fibre deficiency can result in health problems, as follows: obesity; type 2 diabetes; appendicitis; cancer of the colon and rectum; constipation; haemorrhoids; heart problems; and bladder problems.  
The recommended intake of fibre is 30- 40 grams per day. One possible consequence of an excess of fibre is decalcification. If you eat a lot of foods high in fibre, increase your intake of dairy products to avoid such a reaction.
The following table shows the fibre content in grams per 100 grams of different foods:
Dried Apricots: 24
Whole cereals: 11
Lentils: 4
Pears: 3
Cabbage: 4.6
Leaks: 3.3
Artichokes: 4.2
Cooked spinach: 5
Hazelnuts: 9
Apples: 2.5
Bananas: 2
Dried figs: 18.3
Olives: 6.3
Potatoes: 1
Broccoli: 4.3
Rasberries: 7.4
Oranges: 2.9
Prunes: 16
Peanuts: 7.5
Gooseberries: 6.8
Wholemeal bread: 6.5
Raisins/sultanas : 6.5
Carrots: 3.4
Red beans: 3.5
Peaches: 2.3
Brown rice: 4.5
Celery: 6
Dried beans: 4.5
Peas: 5.3
Rye: 44
If you cannot achieve your daily requirement of fibre from food sources, then there is a need to supplement with fibre capsules in order to achieve a balanced diet. Psyllium husks, which are readily available for purchase from health food shops, are an adequate choice in this regard. If you are getting some fibre from food sources but not enough, then you will have to do a calculation on the amount of supplementation that is required in order to make up the deficit.
I hope the British spelling of fibre used in this post hasn’t in any way interfered with  my American visitors' understanding of the points made.

Friday 23 March 2012

Sunshine Is Good for Your Health

We are now in springtime in the northern hemisphere, and over the next six months or so there is likely to be a lot of sunshine. One of the most constructive things you can do from a health point of view, is expose your body to the healing power of the sun.
The action of direct sunlight on the skin is the main provider of vitamin D because there are not many food sources of it. The only known food sources of vitamin D are cod liver oil, oily fish such as sardines, salmon, herring and mackerel. Eggs and milk contain only small amounts, although milk fortified with vitamin D can be purchased. 
A synthetic version of vitamin D can be obtained if you take a multivitamin and mineral tablet daily, but it is only likely to provide you with 40% of your recommended daily requirement of a 1,000 IU (international units). However, in addition you could take a vitamin D supplement separately on its own to make up for the deficit.
A vitamin D deficiency can cause osteoporosis, rickets and schizophrenia.  It is crucial in forming strong bones and teeth. A deficiency can also: exacerbate type 2 diabetes by impairing insulin production in the pancreas; and negatively   affect calcium absorption by the body.
One of the world’s leading experts on sunshine and vitamin D, Dr Michael Holick, from studies carried out has concluded that a sufficiency of vitamin D in the body helps prevent prostate cancer, breast cancer, ovarian cancer, colon cancer, depression and schizophrenia.
Women who are deficient in vitamin D at the birth of a child, can put the child’s health at risk of developing such diseases as type1 diabetes early in life. Where this is a known problem, supplementation is recommended for the child from an early age.
Dr Holick recommends sensible sun exposure. If you live in the northern hemisphere and are of Caucasian origin, this may typically mean exposure to direct sunlight for 5 -10 minutes daily, 3 times or more weekly exposing head, neck, arms and legs to the sun. Persons of African origin, however, need about 10 times the above stated amount because of the skin pigmentation providing a natural resistance to the sun.  
Only sunshine directly on the skin triggers the production of vitamin D.  Therefore sunshine absorbed through glass does not count for this purpose. If, for example, you work in a greenhouse you would need to take in sunshine away from where you work in order to get your daily requirement.
The sunscreen industry have been emphasising the harmful effects of the sun for years in order to sell their products. The healing effects the sun’s rays have on the body never get mentioned in their literature. Consequently, some people apply a sunscreen before venturing out into the sun, which is a mistake as some products can block as much as 95% of the sun’s rays. It is much better to get your daily requirement of sunshine as outlined above first, and then apply a sunscreen for the duration of the time you are exposed.
Use the summer months to keep the vitamin D level in the body, which acts like a tank in this regard, at a high level. During the winter months when the sun isn’t shining, seriously consider taking  a vitamin D supplement or cod liver oil capsules to avoid any deficiency.
If the pharmaceuticals could bottle sunshine, they would, then sing its praises and sell it at a hefty price per bottle. Because it is free resource, not many people point out its beneficial effects. Do not underestimate the healing power of the sun. !